As of 1977, I noticed certain disquieting signs and had a premonition that deep in the shadows, ungodly events were hatching. At the beginning, there was a campaign against my brother, suddenly amplified in the media and the press of the western world. It had no common measure with sporadic attacks of previous years. It presented the feature of a well orchestrated and vast operation. Critics against our regime increased daily. Articles and commentaries purposely neglected a great part of the reality in order to knowingly enhance unjustified… -
05 May, 2016
ARTICLES 16685Report on the Islamic Republic's Terrorism abroad Since the advent of the Islamic Republic in Iran, terrorist attempts have targeted exiled Iranians as well as citizens of other countries, condemned as heretics, around the world. These attacks were ordered by the Islamic Government of Iran. 1. In July 1980, Shapour Bakhtiar escapes an assassination attempt in Paris, France. A French policeman and a neighbor are killed and one policeman is seriously injured. 2. In July 1980, Ali Tabatabai is… -
04 May, 2016
The International Women's Year - 1975
ARTICLES 11939Presenting U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim with Iran's contribution of $2 million for the International Women's Year - 1975 As President of: the Iranian Women's Organization and Chairman of the Iraniannian Human Rights Committee as, well as other social and educational Institutions, Princess Ashraf Pahlavi has for many years been an advocate of equal rights for women and has been active in this field at both the national and international levels.In the past, the Princess has chaired… -
03 May, 2016
Mission to Moscow
ARTICLES 11427Fifty years ago, upon the invitation of the Russian Red Cross, Princess Ashraf Pahlavi, twin sister of the Shah of Iran, went to see Stalin in order to demand the retrieval of Soviet invading forces from Iran. Above, the Princess is seen entering the Kremlin where she pleaded with great passion for the liberation of Iran, her motherland. Impressed by her courage, Stalin became all smiles. He said loudly to his rather stern entourage: "Now here is a brave and true young patriot." Pravda, June… -
27 Jul, 2008
In loving memory of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
ARTICLES 13524July 27,2008 marks the 28th anniversary of the passing of my beloved brother Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the late Shahanshah of Iran. My brother served his country and his people with love, dedication, and compassion for thirty-seven years. He gave his best to improve their lives. During his reign, Iran became a showcase of economic development and social and cultural progress. Among the developing countries, Iran excelled in all the signposts of modernity. Women achieved rights in law and were,-in… -
27 Jul, 2007
My Beloved Brother Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
ARTICLES 15177July 27, 2007 marks the 27th anniversary of the passing of my beloved brother Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the late Shahanshah of Iran. He loved Iran. He strived for peace, progress, and prosperity. He abhorred violence, squalor, poverty, and disease. During his reign, Iran became a showcase of economic, social, and cultural development, a force for peace in the region, and a harbinger of a better future for all. My brother believed Iranians were capable of achieving the best and contributing the… -
27 Jul, 2005
In Memory Of The Late Shahanshah of Iran
ARTICLES 13526July 27, 2005 marks the 25th anniversary of the passing of my beloved brother Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the late Shahanshah of Iran. In his reign women gained political rights, farmers owned their land, and workers shared in the profitability of capital and technology. A critical mass in science and technology emerged. Iran became a leader in the developing world in fields ranging from ecology to communications. Our foreign relations and diplomacy secured peace and stability for our country and… -
28 May, 2004
My beloved brother Prince Abdol Reza
ARTICLES 10152My beloved brother Prince Abdol Reza PahlaviWho left this world May 2004 Deep Condolences from: H.I.H Princess Ashraf Pahlavi -
26 Dec, 2003
Bam Earthquake Tragedy
ARTICLES 8306Our heart and prayers go to the city of Bam and its bereaved citizens Ashraf Pahlavi. -
14 Sep, 2003
The Burial of an Aristocrat
ARTICLES 10449In Memory of Iranian Writer Mr. Houshang Vaziri Houshang Vaziri, the Iranian journalist and editor of Kayhan London died in Paris on 4th September 2003 at the age of 72. He was buried on 13th September in Montparnasse Cemetery. Arriving early for the funeral, I walked round the celebrated graveyard I knew so well. Many times before I had wandered amongst the tombstones of Sainte-Beuve, Jean-Paul Sartre, Eugene Ionesco, Maupassant, Larousse, not to mention Shapour Bakhtiar and a growing number… -
10 Mar, 2003
Carter Sold Out Iran 1977-1978
ARTICLES 16546As if a light were switched off, the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlevi, portrayed for 20 years as a progressive modern ruler by Islamic standards, was suddenly, in 1977-1978, turned into this foaming at the mouth monster by the international left media. Soon after becoming President in 1977, Jimmy Carter launched a deliberate campaign to undermine the Shah. The Soviets and their left-wing apparatchiks would coordinate with Carter by smearing the Shah in a campaign of lies meant to topple his… -
06 Feb, 2003
Jimmy Carter, America's Worst President
ARTICLES 32886Sustained applause greeted Jimmy Carter on that cold December day in Oslo. They were cheering not him but the fact that he opposed America. Carter was there to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. For his humanitarian efforts? To bring world peace? Hardly. Conflict raged in Israel even as Carter made his speech. He received the award as a statement against the United States. “Global challenges must be met by an emphasis on peace, in harmony with others, with strong alliances and international… -
19 Aug, 2002
U.S. aided Iraq in '80s despite gas use
ARTICLES 14213WASHINGTON A covert U.S. program during the Reagan administration provided Iraq with critical battle planning assistance at a time when U.S. intelligence agencies knew that Iraqi commanders would employ chemical weapons in waging the decisive battles of the Iran-Iraq war, according to senior military officers with direct knowledge of the program. These officers, most of whom agreed to speak on the condition that they not be named, spoke in response to a reporter's questions about the nature of… -
16 Aug, 2002
Taller and taller
ARTICLES 8743It was during the first days of Mehdi Bazargan's provisional government in February 1979. The country was still reeling from revolutionary intoxication. I was traveling in a bus going from Bandar Abbas to Kerman. Not before long a few passengers started chanting slogans and prompting other people with their hoarse voices to shouts of "begoo" this or "begoo" that. Many other people joined them and soon the whole bus was in uproar, cursing the ancien regime and blessing the unknown emerging new… -
06 May, 2002
Michael Ledeen on President Carter
ARTICLES 10761Act on Iran Jimmy Carter, the pacific man of the moment, may soon find a difficult period of his presidency under scrutiny. The Bush administration's national security team has been embroiled in a heated debate over Iran policy, and it revolves around a promise Mr. Carter made to Ayatollah Khomeini. The policy issue is immense: to what extent can and should we support the rebellion of the Iranians against the theocracy in power in Tehran ? The president has rejected the State Department's… -
21 Mar, 1981
Speech at Association of United States Army
ARTICLES 9898IRAN’S PAST, IMPOSSIBLE PRESENT AND POSSIBLE FUTURE TEXT OF SPEECH DELIVERED BY H.I.H. PRINCESS ASHRAF PAHLAVI ON THE OCCASION OF THE ANNUAL DINNER OF The ASSOCIATION OF UNITED STATES ARMY NORTHERN NEW JERSEY CHAPTERAT: THE PINES MANOR EDISON NEW JERSEY - MARCH 20, 1981 The situation in the Middle East has never been as dangerous and explosive as it is today - from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean, the Arab-Islamic World is upset with intense convulsions - especially acute are those… -
28 Apr, 1980
London Telegraph - "DEATH OF AN ALLY"
ARTICLES 14579TIME, PLACE AND MANNER of the death of the man who so recently sat on the’ Peacock Throne of Iran all combine to bring a dramatic reminder both of the transience of human glory and of the sudden shift in the Middle East that has placed the Westin dire peril. They are also a grim warning, that,unless the West is prepared to stand by loyal, crucial but unfortunately authoritarian allies, it will fail in its supreme mission of saving itself and the world from totalitarian tyranny. The Shah died…